
GREEK BROCCOLI: In dried form from 4G

Broccoli, an annual plant of the family Brassica oleracea var., Italica, originating in Italy, also belongs to the Cruciferae family and belongs to the same family of vegetables with cabbage and cauliflower.
According to historical sources, it was originally cultivated by the Romans and introduced to England in the early 16th century. Broccoli arrived later in the United States, while its production increased significantly in the early 1800s. The first mission from the west to the east was in 1923 and became a major vegetable in the US during the 1930s.


Broccoli contains high levels of glycosidase which, when broken down into the body, produces another substance (isothioquinates) that is one of the most important anticancer agents in the diet (Nutr Cancer 2006). It has also proved to be a major ally of the organization for cardiovascular disease and other illnesses.

In addition to its anticancer action it has been found to have antimicrobial activity. In fact, it appeared that the sulforaphane substance of broccoli could kill Helicobacter pylori, which is the cause of stomach ulcers (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2002). Methods Find Exp Clin Pharmacol, 2005).
Broccoli, like other cruciferous vegetables, is rich in indole, glucoside, and dietholithione – all antidotes against cancer. Broccoli, such as spinach and cabbage, has many carotenoids (Exp Biol Med, Maywood, 2006), which enhance its activity against cancer, especially the lung. Perhaps thanks to its high chlorophyll content, broccoli is extremely powerful in preventing cellular mutations that occur before cancer.
Other important beneficial effects of broccoli are: because of the sulforamane contained in broccoli, it is likely to protect the cells of the eye from ultraviolet radiation. The more sulforamane arsenates the retinal cells before exposure to the sun, the greater the defense against its damaging effects. (University John Hopkins, 2006).
Also, due to Vitamin C and potassium contained in large quantities, they add extra benefits to protect against tactile osteoporosis disease while providing protection against coronary heart disease and is beneficial for the balance of body fluids and blood pressure.
Finally, broccoli is a good source of soluble fiber, thus contributing to LDL-cholesterol reduction, and its frequent consumption is recommended, and because of the bulk of the various vegetables and the low energy they supply consumed by those who seek to lose weight.


4G is a pioneer and with production standards fully compliant with the International Standard ISO22000, ensures the excellent quality of the raw materials. Regular laboratory tests of finished products ensure the production of a range of perfectly healthy products. We faithfully serve the Mediterranean Diet standards while maintaining their absolute naturalness without the addition of chemicals or preservatives.


Now you have all Greek nature available, 12 months of a year in your kitchen. 100% of nutrients and vitamins. Healthy, Cleverly, Practically. Ideal choice for the consumer and the professional. 0% Coloring, Preservatives & Additional Sugars.


This vegetable contains enough fiber. A cup of broccoli supplies the body with 2.2 grams of fiber. Dietary fiber is valuable to our body as it helps in good functioning of the digestive system, it satiates and protects our body. Broccoli has a high content of phytochemicals such as indoles, isothiocyanates, sulforaphane, lutein, zeaxanthin. All of these substances show intense antioxidant activity and have a beneficial effect on the functions of the human body. In particular, isothiocyanates appear to affect hepatic enzymes, reduce oxidative stress and have anti-inflammatory activity.


Dried broccoli is a good alternative to use in our food. We can have them in our kitchen’s cabinet and use them at any time. It is not necessary to hydrate if we boil them. It finds application in soups, pancakes and purees. It has rich flavor, color, and aroma.



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